Spoiler alert: You win.

Data observability means visibility into everything happening with your data. In real time. No matter where your data lives, you can identify security gaps, quantify data risk, and get recommendations to improve your security posture. Your datatude adjustment continues.

A man looking like he made a mistake with his hands to his mouth

Data Observability

When we talk about data observability, we’re really talking about the ability to spot threats and weaknesses and to get actionable, real-time recommendations to improve your data security posture. This is key to your resiliency. It’s also key to having a subtle, yet ever-present sense of superiority.

By leveraging data observability with Rubrik and ePlus, you’ll have visibility to determine the scope of ransomware attacks, reduce sensitive data exposure, identify indicators of compromise, and prevent malware reinfection.

Explore these resources and continue your datatude adjustment.